Saturday, August 31, 2019

A Worn Path: Dementia Essay

Dementia is a loss of brain function that occurs with certain diseases. It affects memory, thinking, language, judgment, and behavior. This disease usually affects the old generation. As the human body ages, some aspects of life may not be as easy as they were before. In this paper, I will talk about the causes, symptoms, medications, diagnosis, complications, and preventions of Dementia. The causes of Dementia can be heightened. Most types of dementia are nonreversible. Nonreversible means the changes in the brain that are causing the dementia cannot be stopped or turned back. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia. Lewy body disease is a leading cause of dementia in elderly adults. People with this condition have abnormal protein structures in certain areas of the brain. Dementia also can be due to many small strokes. This is called vascular dementia. Some other medical conditions that can lead to Dementia are Huntingson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease. Some causes of dementia may be stopped or reversed if they are found soon enough. Some more causes are brain injury, brain tumor, chronic alcohol abuse, changes in sodium and calcium levels. Dementia usually occurs in older age. It is rare in people under age 60. The risk for dementia increases as a person gets older. Dementia symptoms include difficulty with many areas of mental function. Some symptoms are language, memory, perception, emotional behavior or personality, and cognitive skills such as such as critical thinking, calculation, and judgment. Dementia usually first appears as forgetfulness. Mild cognitive impairment is the stage between normal forgetfulness due to aging and the development of dementia. People with MCI have mild problems with thinking and memory that do not interfere with everyday activities. They are often aware of the forgetfulness. Not everyone with MCI develops dementia. Some symptoms of MCI are: Difficulty performing more than one task at a time, difficulty solving problems or making decisions, forgetting recent events or conversations, taking longer to perform more difficult mental activities. The early symptoms of dementia can include: Difficulty performing tasks that take some thought, but that used to come easily, such as balancing a checkbook, playing games, and learning new information or routines. Getting lost on familiar routes can also be an early sign of Dementia. Language problems, such as trouble finding the name of familiar objects, losing interest in things you previously enjoyed, flat mood, misplacing items, and personality changes and loss of social skills, which can lead to inappropriate behaviors.

Friday, August 30, 2019


American Novel 8/04/2013 Q) Hemmingway’s depiction of the condition of man in a society that has been upset by the violence of war, in light of â€Å"The Sun also Rises† and â€Å"A Farewell to Arms†. No American writer is more associated with writing about war in the early 20th century than Ernest Hemingway. He experienced it first hand, wrote dispatches from innumerable frontlines, and used war as a backdrop for many of his most memorable works. Commenting on these experience years later in  Men at War,  Hemingway wrote: â€Å"When you go to war as a boy you have a great illusion of immortality.Other people get killed; not you. . . . Then when you are badly wounded the first time you lose that illusion and you know it can happen to you. After being severely wounded two weeks before my nineteenth birthday I had a bad time until I figured out that nothing could happen to me that had not happened to all men before me. Whatever I had to do men had always done. If they had done it then I could do it too and the best thing was not to worry about it. Many persons whose outward lives do not in the least resemble that of a typical ‘Hemingway’s character’ are still conscious of the dislocation due to war, and of which he has made himself the outstanding fictional spokesmen of our time. Hemingway’s characters are soldiers, sportsman, Prize fighter and his world of fiction swarm with ferrets, drunkards and prostitutes. He is greatly pre-occupied with death and violence. ‘A Farewell to Arms’ shows Hemingway’s ability to create life like character, both male and female, in such a way as to make us feel that we have actually met them.The First World War plays an important role in the novels of Ernest Hemingway. He has depicted all real war experience in his novel. The war led up to a deep distrust of all established institutions and values religions, ideals, society, patriotisms etc. Only concrete expe riences were valued. Thus, Hemingway emphasized the sense and the experience based on them. The Sun also Rises is one of his such novels. It is a story of a few American expatriates who were living in Paris after the War. There were all wounded either physically or psychologically by the war. I got hurt in the war,† I said. â€Å"Oh, that dirty war. † We would probably have gone on and discussed the war and agreed that it was in reality a calamity for civilization, and perhaps would have been better avoided. I was bored enough. Just then from the other room someone called: â€Å"Barnes! I say Barnes! Jacob Barnes! † (3. 9)| The banal discussion of the war that Jake and Georgette narrowly escape is one that’s unsatisfactory and not comprehensive. We get the feeling that there’s a lot more to be said about the war, but nobody knows how to communicate it yet. â€Å"My dear, I am sure Mr.Barnes has seen a lot. Don’t think I don’t think so , sir. I have seen a lot, too. †Ã‚   â€Å"Of course you have, my dear,† Brett said. â€Å"I was only ragging. † â€Å"I have been in seven wars and four revolutions,† the count said. â€Å"Soldiering? † Brett asked. â€Å"Sometimes, my dear. And I have got arrow wounds. Have you ever seen arrow wounds? † (7. 18)| The count’s definition of â€Å"seen a lot† is associated with war – as though war is the only real experience a man can have. The old pre-war values cannot give them the direction that they are looking for and in this lost world they are all lost souls.They drink heavily to quieten their inner distressed voices. Jake Barnes is a casualty of the First World War. He has been made impotent due to his injury and thus is now ‘half the man than he was before. ’ His physical impairment has made it impossible for him to consummate his love and thus this becomes the tragedy of his love for Brett Ashley. Alt hough there is no mention of it in the novel directly, it has been implied in certain scenes. As Brett is not willing to settle for less, Jake is drowned in the ocean of unrequited love.Thus, Jake then becomes a tragic hero, one of the most praised heroes of Hemingway’s books. We see that the war has taken away his masculinity from him leaving him incomplete for life. As Jake’s war doctor remarks on his loss, â€Å"He has given much more than his life. † As the title of the novel makes clear,  A Farewell to Arms  concerns itself primarily with war, namely the process by which Frederic Henry removes himself from it and leaves it behind. The few characters in the novel who actually support the effort—Ettore Moretti and Gino—come across as a dull raggart and a naive youth, respectively. The majority of the characters remain ambivalent about the war, resentful of the terrible destruction it causes, doubtful of the glory it supposedly brings. The no vel offers masterful descriptions of the conflicts senseless brutality and violent chaos. The scene of the Italian army’s retreat remains one of the most profound evocations of War in American Literature. As the neat columns of men begin to crumble so does the soldier’s nerves, minds, and capacity for rational thought and moral judgement.Henry’s shooting of the engineer for refusing to help free the car from the mud shocks the reader for two reasons, first, the violent outburst seems at odds with Henry’s detached character, and secondly, the incident occurs in a setting that robs it of its moral import, the complicity of Henry’s fellow soldiers legitimizes the killing. The murder of the engineer seems justifiable because it is an inevitable by-product of the spiralling violence and disorder of the War.I had seen nothing sacred, and the things that were glorious had no glory and the sacrifices were like the stockyards at Chicago if nothing was done with the meat except to bury it. There were many words that you could not stand to hear and finally only the names of places had dignity. Certain numbers were the same way and certain dates and these with the names of the places were all you could say and have them mean anything. Abstract words such as glory, honour, courage, or hallow were obscene beside the concrete names of villages, the numbers of roads, the names of rivers, the numbers of regiments and the dates.To Henry, such abstractions as honour, glory, and sacrifice do little to explain or assuage the unbelievable destruction that he sees around him. What matters, he decides, are the names of villages and soldiers, the concrete facts of decimated walls and dead bodies. He believes that in order to discuss the war honestly, one must dismiss artificial concepts and deal with terms grounded in the reality of the war. He tarnishes the romanticized ideal of the military hero by equating the â€Å"sacrifices† of human liv es in war with the slaughter of livestock.He further compares romantic riffs about honor and glory to burying meat in the ground. Nothing can be sustained or nurtured by such pointlessness. Hemingway believed that in this corrupt world it is no longer possible to have a decent, self-respecting and dignified life. It is the end of love, end of human dignity, end of personal relationships and a realisation that man is all alone in the world and he has to fend for himself. It is the realisation that the ultimate reality is nothing but nada, a Spanish word which means ‘nothingness’. â€Å"Nada†, someone said. â€Å"It’s nothing.Drink up. Lift the bottle. † (The Sun Also Rises, chapter15) The Sun Also Rises portrays a few American and British young men whose experiences of the war are qualitatively not different from those of Nick Adams and Jake Barnes and they are lost in a world which they do not understand. Their meaningless wanderings in Paris and la ter in Pamplona are the equivalents of their confused minds which have failed to find any guiding principles in life. Bull-fighting for them becomes a symbol of life in which the matador demonstrates how a man facing death can retain dignity.As a matter of fact it is in the face of danger and confrontation with death that they show courage, so that they can lead a life in which they can respect themselves. There is a vague realisation on the part of these expatriates that they cannot implement the matador’s code in their lives because of the wounds inflicted by the war will take quite some time to heal. In A Farewell to Arms Henry realizes that his idealism which had guided him into the front is meaningless in the face of total destruction symbolized by the war.Whether he performs his duties or not, it does not make any material difference to the unit to which he belongs. The endless round of drinking and brothels is equally futile because he cannot find any object to which h e could align himself and seek some sort of satisfaction that would give some meaning to his life. His love affair with Catherine Barkley is a temporary relief from the inner disquiet and finally with the death of Catherine he is no better off than the dog nosing in the dust bin for something to eat but where there is nothing for him to find.His own wound had also but killed him. This feeling of nada then led to â€Å"the lost generation†. The term lost generation is generally applied to those who had actively participated in the First World War and as a consequence of this realised that life was meaningless. As a result of the domination of machine over man, man had felt that they were extremely helpless. This disillusionment could have taken either the shape of nihilism or a search for enduring values and absolutes. In the mechanised war there was no room whatsoever for the assertion of manhood or courage and bravery.In a famous passage in A Farewell to Arms Hemingway bring s out this disillusionment. In the rain, the words like honour, glory, patriotism seemed obscene to him and what was real were the names of the regiments, streets and towns. The Sun also Rises and A Farewell to Arms celebrate the conditions that led to this disillusionment and how man sought desperately to clutch at straws in this meaningless and valueless world. There is no sentiment whatsoever about the retreat ion A Farewell to Arms or the adventures of Brett Ashley.They are delineated with the realism of a scientist but with the tenderness of an artist. There is a feeling of boredom and disgust with the half-truths and sentiments of the earlier generations. Hemingway has, along with Remarque, revealed the grotesque and the animal nature in man. Worship of instinct instead of rationality became the order of the day. The world that Hemingway has portrayed is unrecognizably part of the modern world. The violence of war is still with us. And added to it is the anxiety and fear of th e cold war that seems to have become part and parcel of the Twentieth Century life.His preoccupation with violence, decay and death may be neurotic but are still part of the twentieth century temper. The lack of morality is with us to stay. There are no religious values that can provide balm to the troubled mind. As Jake Barnes states in The Sun also Rising, â€Å"I’m a rotten Catholic. † In the words of Philip Young, â€Å"It is a hell of a world, and we should protest it. But on the other hand we should be hard-pressed to prove that it is not the one we inhabit†¦ While other writers were watching the side acts, Hemingway’s eyes were from the start focused on the main show. The devout ask for peace in our time but ironically there is no peace in our time. This is the vision that Hemingway presents in his works and it is difficult to refute its authenticity so long as our world is going to be haunted by the fear of a thermo-nuclear war. As Hemingway wrote in A Farewell to arms, â€Å"If people bring so much courage to this world the world has to kill them to break them, so of course it kills them. The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places.But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these you can be sure that it’ll kill you too but there will be no special hurry. † Work Cited: http://onviolence. com/? e=313 http://www. hrmars. com/admin/pics/1043. pdf http://www. amazon. com/Hemingway-War-Ernest/dp/0743243293 http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Ernest_Hemingway http://www. archives. gov/publications/prologue/2006/spring/hemingway. html Book: Hemingway on War

Compariosn of pre 1914 and Wilfred Owen’s poems Essay

By comparing and contrasting a selection of war poems, consider the ways in which attitudes to war have been explored and expressed. When considering poetry written post 1900 concentrate on a selection of poems written by Wilfred Owen. War has been an influential topic for poetry for many centuries and through its catastrophic cruelty and sense of patriotism has created some of the most brilliant poets and most controversial poems ever written. With each different war comes different poets who want to write their views on it and just as motives of war differ, so do the opinions of the poets; some see war as barbaric and destructive, whereas others portray it as a way of ennobling oneself. Before the technology and media coverage we have nowadays, stories of battle were passed down by word of mouth and were often written in poetic form so they could be memorized easily. Just as the artillery used in the wars has changed, the way war is portrayed has as well. Before World War 1 began in 1914, it was seen as a glorious opportunity for men to serve and defend their country. In many poems war is compared to a game, for example in â€Å"Vitai Lampada† written by Henry Newbolt, the refrain â€Å"Play up! Play up! And play the game!† is repeated at the end of each stanza to try and rally the soldiers and ready them for battle. Newbolt uses the leitmotif of comparing fighting to playing a cricket match to ease the pressure off the soldiers by making it seem fun and competitive. He uses the simile: â€Å"Beat through life like a torch in flame† to portray how the schoolboys have responsibilities and also to show how these must be passed down through the generations to protect their country, just like the Olympic torch. War is also compared to a game in Henry V’s speech in Shakespeare’s play, Henry V. He declares: ‘The game’s afoot,† once again understating the enormity of the battle. In addition Shakespeare uses the battle cry â€Å"God for Harry, England and Saint George!† to show that the English are on the righteous side and have a duty to serve their country. Before 1914, there was no compulsory military service and therefore Britain did not have a huge army like other European countries. However World War 1 was so large, conscription needed to be introduced, meaning all men of the appropriate age were obliged to go to war. Along with conscription came the propaganda to encourage men to join up and a popular form was poetry. Poets like Jessie Pope and Rupert Brooke wrote poems convincing men that war would be an exciting opportunity with their friends and that it is their duty to honour and serve for England. However, one of the most famous war poets, Wilfred Owen, had a different view of the war. At first he wrote in a similar way to the likes of Pope and Brooke, but after experiencing first-hand action in the front line his work became less idealistic. One of Owen’s most famous poems is â€Å"Dulce et Decorum est†. The Latin title means â€Å"it is sweet and fitting to die for your country† and it is used ironically to anticipate an idealistic poem, but it is quite the opposite. Owen wrote this poem in reply to the jingoistic recruiting poems written by Jessie Pope; they glorify war and make it seem like a great opportunity for men to have an adventure with their friends. In the first two lines of â€Å"Dulce et Decorum est†, Owen uses the vivid imagery of â€Å"old beggars† and â€Å"coughing like hags† and the reader thinks that he is describing someone elderly or of low status. However, in the lines that follow, we realize that Owen is actually talking about soldiers who are walking away from the front line: â€Å"Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs And towards our distant rest began to trudge.† Owen uses the word â€Å"haunting† to portray that the battle they have endured will stay in their minds forever. To convey the exhaustion of the men Owen uses hyperbole: â€Å"men marched asleep†¦drunk with fatigue†. This shows how fighting was physically draining for the soldiers and contradicts the glamorous image that Pope’s poems conjure up. In the second stanza Owen illustrates the terrifying scene of a gas attack. He repeats the word â€Å"GAS† for a second time in capital letters to convey a sense of urgency and also to imply how fatigued the men were as they needed it to be repeated louder a second time for them to realise the situation. Owen uses polysyllabic words like â€Å"ecstasy† and â€Å"fumbling† and â€Å"clumsy† to convey a sense of panic and alarm. He describes how one man did not get his gas mask on in time and is â€Å"flound’ring like a man in fire or lime†. This portrays that the gas he is inhaling is burning and the image â€Å"as under a green sea, I saw him drowning† is very powerful because it shows that the gas overwhelms his lungs just as water does when you drown. The line â€Å"In all my dreams, before my helpless sight† shows how Owen will remember that scene forever, and the word â€Å"helpless† suggests that he cannot do anything about the flashbacks and horrible memories he will have to endure but it also implies that he could not do anything to help the soldier who was dying. Owen uses the adjectives â€Å"guttering, choking, drowning† to illustrate the soldier’s horrific death; the word â€Å"guttering† is especially effective as you use it to describe a candle about to go out, just as the man’s life is about to be extinguished. Owen bitterly attacks Jessie Pope in the last stanza. He sarcastically addresses her as â€Å"my friend† and uses gruesome comparisons like â€Å"Obscene as cancer† and â€Å"bitter as the cud of vile† to portray the horror of war. The line â€Å"incurable sores on innocent tongues† implies that the some soldiers who were very young will have terrifying memories with them for the rest of their lives. He appeals to the senses by using hideous and graphic imagery: â€Å"If you could hear, at every jolt, blood- Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs†. The adjective â€Å"froth-corrupted† illustrates how the man’s lungs had been plagued by the gas and what a horrific death he had to endure. He uses the simile: â€Å"like a devil’s sick of sin† to describe the soldier’s face, suggesting a sense of repulsion and disgust. Owen depicts the soldiers as â€Å"children ardent for some desperate glory† portraying that Pope’s recruiting poems wrongly persuaded boys that were not of age to vulnerably serve their country. In the last two lines Owen frames the poem by repeating the title, but he uses it ironically as he says it is â€Å"The old Lie†, contradicting other pre World War 1 poems that give the impression men will be considered heroic if they serve their duty. Owen once again opposes the notion that women will treat soldiers, who return home from war injured, like heroes in his poem â€Å"Disabled†, Owen opposes the idea that women will treat the soldiers, who return from the war injured, like heroes. In the poem â€Å"Fall In† by Harold Begbie, he persuades men to join the army by using the sexual attractiveness of women. The lines: â€Å"When the girls line up in the street, Shouting their love to the lads come back,† implies the men will be seen as courageous and gallant for fighting. However, Owen explains this is not the case in the lines: â€Å"Now he will never feel again how slim, Girls’ waists are, or how warm their subtle hands, All of them touch him like some queer disease†. The metaphor â€Å"like some queer disease† expresses how the women are afraid he may be contagious and how they find him repulsive. Just as in â€Å"Dulce et Decorum est†, at the beginning of the poem we think Owen is describing an elderly man because he uses the phrase â€Å"ghastly suit of grey† which infers old age. But then we discover how he â€Å"threw away his knees†; he chose to enlist for the army and that is portrayed a grave mistake, a waste of his life. The line: â€Å"Poured it down shell-holes till the veins ran dry† also infers that the man opted to fight as the verb â€Å"poured† suggests that he did it himself. In addition, Owen portrays how the boy was not motivated by principles to sign up: â€Å"Someone had said he’d look a god in kilts†. He had been induced by vanity and also to â€Å"please his Meg†; once again the notion of impressing the women is used. Even though his face was â€Å"younger than his youth† the line â€Å"Smiling they wrote his lie: aged nineteen years,† shows that the authorities were unscrupulous as the y knew he was just a boy but still let him sign up. â€Å"Disabled† is a very contrasting poem and Owen repeats the word â€Å"now† to emphasize the contrast between what he was, and what he has now become: â€Å"Now he is old†. Owen uses the motif of football throughout, but not in the positive way Newbolt does in â€Å"Vitai Lampada†. He uses it ironically to show the difference between his life before the war when he was fit and agile, and now when he is condemned to a passive lifestyle in a wheelchair. When he was playing football â€Å"he liked a blood smear down his leg,† implying that he thought it looked manly and would impress the girls. Now however, he can only watch boys playing football: â€Å"voices of play and pleasure after day† and the women do not see him as heroic as their eyes â€Å"Passed from him to the strong men that were whole†. The word â€Å"whole† creates a strong image of him being limbless and is powerful as it is not very compassionate, just like the women. In the last two lines, Owen repeats the rhetorical question: â€Å"Why don’t they come?† The first question is directly addressing the nursing staff, portraying that they do not care for the wounded solider or are disgusted by his wounds and the second question portrays a sense of abandonment; he is confused because he fought in the war and people should honour what he has done instead of pitying and disposing of him. Owen’s â€Å"Mental Cases† has a similar theme to â€Å"Disabled† except it focuses on the mental aspect of fighting and not the physical aspect. The purpose of this poem is to describe to the reader that the conditions were so terrible in the First World War that it drove people insane. The tone of the poem is an angry one; Owen portrays his opposition to the war through line such as: â€Å"Multitudinous murders they once witnessed†. The word â€Å"multitudinous† means the common people and shows how Owen thought that the ordinary people of Britain were being slaughtered and that young, fit men were the subject of untimely deaths. It also emphasises the vast scaled of the murders and the intensity of the war. Owen uses very powerful and vivid imagery in the first stanza with phrases such as â€Å"drooping tongues† and â€Å"purgatorial shadows† to describe the men. The word â€Å"purgatorial† suggests that they are trying to cleanse their soul of the sins they have committed, but are trapped by their own violent actions in the war. Owen uses the word â€Å"shadows† to portray them as ghosts, men that go unnoticed because they are insane and not normal. This is ironic because they were probably once very fit and able and are now spending their lives in an institute. The first stanza poses the question of what made the men mad and Owen uses rhetorical questions to engage the reader: â€Å"but what slow panic gouged these chasms round fretted sockets?† This phrase conjours up a strong image of the men being wide eyed with a constant look of terror upon their face. Owen utilizes the phrase â€Å"slow panic† to infer that the men have been subject to a form of torture and that they have painfully been made to suffer. The phrase â€Å"deeply gouged† suggests wrinkles implying that the men are quite old; however we learn that the men have not lost their minds due to age, but due to war. The lines: â€Å"Always they must see these things and hear them, Batter of guns and the shatter of flying muscles,† use realistic and gruesome imagery to describe the battles. Onomatopoeia is used through the words â€Å"shatter† and â€Å"batter† making the reader almost hear the tremendous bangs of the guns and making them understand the intensity of the situation. The phrase â€Å"human squander† portrays Owen’s thoughts that many â€Å"multitudinous murders† took place and that their lives were lost for no reason; it was a mistake. In the final stanza Owen describes to the reader how the mental cases wish they were dead so they did not have to remember the atrocious carnage that they have seen: â€Å"Dawn breaks open like a war that bleeds afresh†. This simile is effective because usually dawn brings new beginnings and fresh opportunities, but to these men it just means they have to endure memories of what the war did to them. This poem is a very personal one as in the last four lines; Owen uses words like â€Å"us† and â€Å"brother†. This shows that the men blame us for allowing what happened to occur, and how they wish that they did not have to be reminded of it any longer. Wilfred Owen’s wrote â€Å"Anthem for Doomed Youth† not to portray the mental and physical effects of war like â€Å"Disabled† and â€Å"Mental Cases†, but to explain how a whole generation of men were subject to gruesome injuries or brutal deaths during the First World War. The title is deliberately ironic because the word â€Å"Anthem† usually suggests celebration; however the tone of this poem is bitter and mournful. It also infers that Owen is mocking poets like Rupert Brooke who say it is honourable to die in the war. The first line is a rhetorical question and it uses plosives, portraying an angry tone. The metaphor â€Å"for these who die as cattle† is effective because it infers that the soldiers are being slaughtered. The soldiers are referred to as â€Å"Doomed Youth† as there were â€Å"no prayers nor bells† for them as they died on the battlefield, just the â€Å"monstrous anger of the guns†, suggesting that the amount of deaths were so widespread there was no separate emotion for each man, their deaths were unimportant like that of cattle. This personification also infers that the weapons were taking control of the soldiers and that their actions are that of monsters. Owen portrays how there is no time for sentiment of the battlefield in the line: â€Å"The shrill demented choirs of wailing shells;† this personification is effective because when a person dies they are believed to be â€Å"at peace†, but when you die on the battlefield the destruction and devastation carries on around you regardless. Owen portrays how the men came from ordinary backgrounds in the phrase: â€Å"sad shires† and he describes how the family of the soldiers’ did have funerals for them back at home in the line: â€Å"what candles may be held to speed them all?† The devastation of their deaths is shown through the line: â€Å"the pallor of girls’ brows shall be their pall;† suggesting that their girlfriends are sorrowful and also by using the plural it shows how a whole generation of women may not be able to find husbands because so many young men were killed in action. In the last line, a â€Å"drawing-down of blinds† is a fitting way to end the poem, but it could also be associated with traditional drawing down of blinds in a room where a dead person lies and furthermore it infers that so many soldiers’ lives were now over. I enjoyed reading Wilfred Owen’s poetry more than the pre 1900 poetry as it gave me a realistic view of what the effects of war were on the soldiers and their families. World War One was the most devastating and barbaric war to date and therefore I believe that Owen’s poetry is more fitting as it gives a personal aspect to the poems, portraying the soldiers as humans, not just as statistics, but also showed them like animals to make the vast scale of the murders evident.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Political Science Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Political Science - Term Paper Example term â€Å"juridification† has arisen as a means of describing the practice whereby prior determination of precedence leads the judiciary in a direction that they would otherwise not follow. Although the term itself seems to imply a type of negative connotation; this should not be understood to be the case in all cases. Rather juridification is merely the outgrowth of an established, historically contiguous and stable judiciary that can have the advantage upon drawing upon a wealth of precedent and prior determinations in order to form an opinion. Likewise, the term itself can also be viewed in a negative connotation as the outgrowth and development of law oftentimes leads down a tightly confined path whereby the judiciary is predisposed to determinations that are seemingly unchangeable and non-elastic with the needs of society; merely based on prior precedent that has stood the test of time. As such, this brief essay will consider this term as well as attempt to determine whe ther the outgrowth and development of law during the course of the 20th century has been a net positive or a net negative for the judiciary and the public. As a function of this, the specific case Liebeck v. McDonalds Restaurants will be analyzed. Although juridification can have a positive effect on creating a channeling effect for precedence to determine the means by which certain cases should be decided; thereby making the job of the judiciary somewhat simpler, the downside to this is the fact that the full original intent of the law cannot be applied in such a way as to create a clear definition of intent based upon a blank slate of logic and information associated with a particular case. As a result, the continuing outpouring of case law, determinations, and judgments throughout the history of the judiciary in this country has served to create a highly complex and storied representation of precedent that only helps to further define and hedge in the understanding of juridification

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Corporate Hospitality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Corporate Hospitality - Essay Example In fact, many organizations have turned their prime activity into attracting and retaining customers. However, in order to attract customers, companies must have sound marketing strategies, for example, promotions or sumptuous events, where they will have the opportunity to explain to customers their products and services, and perhaps promote them (HENDERSON& MCILWRAITH, 2013). Coming new into the marketplace is corporate hospitality. Although hospitality has been in the marketplace for centuries, corporate hospitality is a new area certainly. In this new area, organizations perform additional activities aimed at pleasing their customers. The main role of corporate hospitality to an organisation or company is to entertain clients so that they become happier than they were before. Nevertheless, as days go by, organizations have extended the roles of corporate hospitality to include employees and business owners as well. The UK corporate hospitality has advanced very fast and many peop le consider it one of the best. This is simply because the sector has mastered the art of linking spectators and activities in order to offer judicious hospitality products and services to clients. ... e hospitality end up losing clients, and therefore, it is significant that organizations bring events and activities to retain the seamless experience of their clients. This report will assess the holistic nature of the corporate hospitality segment in United Kingdom (MASTERMAN, & WOOD, 2006) 2.0 Report Synopsis As discussed in the introduction part, corporate hospitality is the event or activity that an organization extends to its employees, staff or clients in order to satisfy them. Depending on the target population, employees or staff, these events or activities can differ. There are several sectors within the corporate hospitality segment. To start with, we have spectator sports. These include events such as tennis, golf and football. The second category is that of participatory events, which include fishing, sailing and driving. Lastly, we have cultural events such as concerts and music festivals (MSI MARKETING RESEARCH FOR INDUSTRY LTD, 2002). Thus, depending on the target aud ience, activities can vary. Although projected to be the prime form of marketing, corporate hospitality has experienced some challenges especially in the last decade. Between 2003 and 2007, corporate hospitality registered impressive growth figures of 5-7%, but in 2008, the growth rate stood at 2%. Analysts blamed the global economic meltdown, which affected business performance not only on UK but also in other parts of the globe. In fact, the decline continued to 2011, meaning that organizations had to abandon big events for less entertaining ones due to the reduced number of prospective clients. Another factor that affected the growth of corporate hospitality is off-putting media coverage. Some media agencies, such as AFP, reported that some UK banks, Fortis and Dexia, organized lucrative

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Are we our bodies or are we our minds Descartes and Nietzsche's Essay

Are we our bodies or are we our minds Descartes and Nietzsche's arguments - Essay Example I will discuss and compare arguments from both philosophers’ viewpoints in order to reach a conclusion. In â€Å"Meditations on First Philosophy,† Rene Descartes begins to uncover the underlying truth for humankind through various methods. His ideas and thoughts were considered radical at that time, particularly because his arguments went against those made by Aristotle, upon which society perceived truth (SparkNotes Editors). Because of this fact, Descartes tried to entice Aristotelian philosophers into reading all six meditations by starting off light. The first meditation is supposed to build the groundwork and is not supposed to come up with any quick answers. Descartes conveys to himself that whatever he thinks he knows so far must be doubted in order to build a solid foundation that cannot be proven false. He argues in the first meditation that his body is faulty and is bound to make errors. This leads him to believe that it cannot be trusted in showing him what t he real truth is. In addition, he also starts to doubt his senses as they are an extension of his body and are thus flawed. Left with knowing nothing, Descartes slowly transcends into deep thought and begins to ponder if the world in which he lives is just a â€Å"universal dream† where some evil genius is trying to manipulate him in every possible way. The first meditation literally means â€Å"concerning those things that can be called into doubt.† This meditation raises many interesting concepts that Descartes attempts to explain. Descartes doubts his own beliefs because he recalls that they have deceived him previously. His reasoning is that if we have been deceived once, then there is the possibility that we may be deceived again. To avoid this from happening, Descartes believes that we must discard the ideas and thoughts that we doubt because they are untrustworthy. From these thoughts, Descartes come up with the idea of the Dream Argument. The explanation of thi s is that if he is dreaming or is being deceived, then his beliefs are unreliable. The concept of the Dream Argument shows up in the following meditations in the form of an â€Å"evil genius† who blinds everyone and tries to deceive us for his own benefit. Descartes explains how he feels that he is dreaming even when he is not. Descartes’ Dream Argument also suggests that he now has reasons to not believe his senses any longer because his senses are the tools in which he uses to perceive things around him. The upshot of Descartes’ argument is that he needs to hold judgment on his beliefs until they can be proven beyond belief. He admits that he habitually accepts truths about the world around him without basing his beliefs on proof. Skepticism is linked throughout Descartes’ first meditation; although he admits that no one can be fully skeptical of everything without good reason. However, he argues that it is difficult to justify dismissing skepticism (Sp arkNotes Editors). After Descartes finishes the key points of his first meditation, he then moves onto the second meditation. In the next meditation, Descartes makes a distinct argument for why the mind is important in our existence and for survival, and also how it is more known than the body is. Descartes builds upon his argument from the first meditation in his second meditation. This meditation is known as â€Å"on the nature of the human mind, which is better known than the body.† Descartes pushes forward in his quest for the absolute

Monday, August 26, 2019

According to Hegel, how does the modern state actualize freedom Essay

According to Hegel, how does the modern state actualize freedom - Essay Example It also attempts to look carefully into the various prospects of the concept of freedom relevant for a modern state as well as the modern individual, and tries to find out if today’s individuals are contented with what Hegel provides in his explanation of freedom in the context of the modern state. Hegel’s view of freedom is closely associated with the broader prospects of human life. According to Hegel, human life is characterised by freedom, liberty and rights. In this context, freedom and rights are entailed by a sense of responsibility that provides the community a stable context in which morality and creativity can be expressed freely. Further, this sense of responsibility acknowledges the needs (not wants) of the people within a society. This responsibility is assigned to the state. If the needs of the people are not acknowledged by the state, it simply indicates that the freedom of these people is constrained. This is the fundamental cause of revolutions occurred in societies. Hegel in Section 258 in the Preface of Philosophy of Right mentions that it is the state in which â€Å"freedom attains its highest right†¦[It] has the highest right over the individual, whose highest duty in turn is to be a member of the state.† (Wood, 1991) Thus, the contexts of duties and rights are very essential to understand the concept of freedom in a state. While relating freedom of individuals with the duties of the state, Hegel states that it is the responsibility of the state to secure and protect property and personal freedom of individuals who are members of it. With its caprice, accident and myriad realities, the state can be conceived as â€Å"the ethical whole and the actualisation of freedom.† (Wood, 1991) Hegel further simplifies the concept of freedom by stating that the state embodies freedom of individuals by recognising and developing their personal individuality as well as particular interests. This individuality takes

Sunday, August 25, 2019

President who Abuses his Executive Order Authority Assignment - 3

President who Abuses his Executive Order Authority - Assignment Example An aggressive president can use his power to establish beneficial acts. By such an act, he might be undermining the constitution of separation of powers but sometimes when power is shared by two governments the justice fails to enact. The executive authority can take decisions in the situation where there is a mandatory need but when implying order for mean motives then definitely he is practically undermining the constitution of separation of powers. The executive authority would not be instructive it was to dispute the lawful goal for which it was established. The executive authority needs to be within the law parameters. Otherwise, the executive authority would be violating the national integrity and the very structure of the political ideology of the government. An executive need to look at the limitation of his power and rightful use of power can only bring about an ideal constituency. As per (Word Press) â€Å"The president must enforce laws that are passed by the formal legislative process as they are written.   If the president does not like a bill passed by Congress or feels it violates the Constitution then the president can veto it before it becomes law†. President cannot necessarily pass orders which are not supported legally however he can use executive orders to modify certain laws which are passed by the constitutions. Question 3: History and practice are useful tools in understanding the Presidents authority, and a Legal framework of analysis exists to help determine issues of validity. Beyond questions of legality, there are many separate but important issues of policy. Two broad policy questions present themselves: (1) whether a given power the President possesses ought to be used to advance a particular policy objective, and (2) whether a particular draft directive effectively advances such a policy goal. Specifically, research any executive orders Pres. Obama has issued and determined if the 2 policy questions in this paragraph  have been met.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

What caused the Vietnam War (1964-1973) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

What caused the Vietnam War (1964-1973) - Essay Example Historians gauge the impact of the Vietnam conflict not only on casualty figure and geographic coverage but also on its length, intensity and global repercussions. For instance, the war in Vietnam played a great importance in the geopolitical sense since it became a flashpoint in the Cold War. Furthermore, the war took place in a turbulent period of human history and became intertwined with other social upheavals which almost brought down the American body politic. The aim of this paper is to analyze the roots and the underlying factors that led to the US intervention in the Vietnam conflict. In the process, it is hoped that this would shed light to the phenomenon which marked significant failures specifically in US international policies and the end-result of the nine-year conflict. Looking back at history, one will find that the US interest in Vietnam did not start with the administrations of John F. Kennedy and Dwight D. Eisenhower. It started with the American policy of containment in the aftermath of the Second World War against the spread of communism and the growing power of the USSR. Andrew Wiest (2002) explored this aspect in his book, The Vietnam War: In each case the scale of the threats precluded the use of massive force, so avoiding the buildup to a nuclear exchange. The US chose to adopt a policy of limited war, hoping to avoid a superpower showdown and in many ways the war in Vietnam became the main example of the US limited war policy.2 After the fall of imperial Japan, Ho Chi Minh proclaimed the independence of Democratic Republic of Vietnam and drafted a constitution along with a form of government based on the American model, hoping for a continued American support. He sought the help of the United States in establishing a new Vietnam but he was ignored. The American supported France’s attempt at regaining its colonies in Indochina, hence the war between the French forces

Friday, August 23, 2019

Historical Documentary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Historical Documentary - Essay Example But one form of documentary was on an upwards curve even into the new millennium - the history documentary" Documentary films are non-fiction films which portray the events which have already happened and which are happening at the moment. This developed in time to be the historical documentaries which have entered a golden age in the literal sense of the word. This boom is attributed to many factors like the political changes, the crucial event in a country, the anxious arrival of the millennium, the unpredicted development of technology, and the accessibility of information. It is also due to freedom of information, favourable political and economical factors, the establishments of film archives, the regular transformation of the filmgoers and producers, prevailing nostalgia of what we left behind and the demand for more real historical events. Over and above these causes, the other noteworthy change was the co productions of history documentaries and political and economical conditions which added to the flourishing of these types of documentaries. "The documentary--whether it is a written account, a photograph, or a film--has long served as one of the primary sources for historians writing about the past as well as one of the key forms, historians use to communicate their stories about the past." (Professor Jill Watts -History 300B, spring 2007) Documentary film was actually born of the written and photographic tradition Initially, documentary films were just current events which had certain significance for the people living at that particular period of time. This created a genre of films which have a say not for the universal time but for only a period. This type of documentary would have had its heyday only when certain pulverizing events such as wars and political controversies took place. When the heat of the debate wears off, there is no more interest on the specific documentary anymore. History Documentary films have reflected attitudes and internal changes in British society for a century. British documentary as a notable movie genre surfaced around 1906. From then on documentary films began establishing a theme. The theme usually focused on the way of life of British working class and rarely touched on other types as well. An apt example of this is 'The Drifters' by Grierson The growth of Documentaries It is essential to note that the government and national agencies funded the production and distribution of such documentaries in the 1920s and 1930s. Popular agencies which got involved in this type of film making are the Ministries of Transport, Trade, Information, the General Post Office and Empire Marketing Board. The British documentary directors were all socialists and their documentaries such as Workers for Jobs by Arthur Elton in 1934, and then by Edgar Anstey in 1935 to devastating effect in Housing Problems for the Gas Light and Coal Company were technically advanced, using the latest film equipment in novel and exciting ways. They used synchronized sound-recording on location. Another important factor to note is that the 16mm film became standardized by Eastman and Bell & Howell in 1923 and the films were exhibited at cinemas as a

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Tourism in Bhutan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Tourism in Bhutan - Case Study Example This research aims to evaluate and present tourism in Bhutan that has been experiencing a constant increase ever since 1974, when the Government of Bhutan all started issuing travel licenses to foreign visitors into the isolated country. The Bhutan Tourism Corporation or the BTC was solely responsible for handing tourism related matters of the country until 1991. The country’s government however, decided in 1991 to privatize and corporation in an attempt to boost up the tourism as well as facilitate private sector investment into the tourism into the industry. With the help of the efforts put in by the government, the country now has more then seventy five fully licensed tour operating companies. As mentioned above, it is the Bhutanese government that is responsible for tourism planning inside the country. The government however is reluctant to issue a great number of visit visas to tourists as it thinks of the acute impact increased tourism could have on the environment and c ulture of the country. However, if tourism is properly planned and managed by the government, alongside providing appropriate input required to boost tourist activity, then the local travel industry can easily outshine the expected growth plans without having any negative or acute impact on the environment of the country. There are already several initiatives taken by the country to boost up its tourism. The government is busy in looking for resources to finance the expansion costs. A very smart measure taken by the government is to bring all tourism related stake holders on board while drafting a new tourism related policy. This will make sure that the new tourism policy does not only represent the wishes of the State but also takes into account the views of stake holders like travel managers and tour operators who play an essential part in promoting the tourism of the country (Cooper, 2001). Objectives of the Tourism Industry The main objective of Bhutan’

E †Marketing of the Music Products Essay Example for Free

E – Marketing of the Music Products Essay The success of music marketing traditionally has been determined by the power of the musicians artists and the consumers. However there had been a quantum change in the power recently thanks to the increased use of information and communication technology. The music industry had long held the power to control the development of the marketing, but the advent of the internet and the technological advancement in the information and communication technology has allowed the artistes and consumers to take power of their own. There were initial apprehensions about the impact of the internet on the marketing of the music industry due to the presence of file-sharing and peer-to-peer networks that might hinder the growth of sales of the music products. However it so happened that the internet has opened up a sea of chances for the growth of the marketing of the music products through the development of new retail channels for consumers as well as for the artistes to take advantage of the increased customer net work. This marketing channel has made much more music available to a much wider and larger set of audience and consumers. Punjabi music and songs have been estimated to originate between the 14th and 15th century, as folklore with the farmers composing songs in their own dialects and tunes. There are different varieties of Punjabi music that enthrall the music lovers. The Punjabi music market had grown with the time by selling the products through recorded cassette tapes and then through the medium of compact discs. With the passage of time the internet marketing has taken over the reins and the industry developed with newer and improved technological means of marketing the ancient cultural treasure. The internet marketing has proved to be an effective platform for the Punjabi music to gain popularity not only in India but throughout the world. There is a huge difference in the marketing strategy and approaches of the Punjabi music industry before and after the introduction of internet as a marketing medium. Internet marketing has made the industry to constantly work on finding new strategies to develop the marketing efforts. While originally it was apprehended that features like file sharing and peer-to-peer networks will hamper the growth of the sale of Punjabi music products, there were no such hindrances in reality and the industry is growing day by day with the introduction of new and improved music themes. With the help of internet marketing the purchasing of music products has improved considerably and this has increased the customer needs and preferences. In this context this study looks at the contribution of internet marketing to the growth of sale of Punjabi music products and how internet has helped the music industry to introduce new and improved methods of marketing. The scope of the study is to review the development of the Punjabi music industry over the period of time along with the development of the internet marketing concept. The study also analyses the problems in the music industry associated with the development of the internet market. 1. 1 Research Objectives While looking at the overall development of the internet marketing of the Indian Punjabi music the study has other objectives like 1. Comparing the differences in the marketing approaches prior to the introduction and development of the internet marketing and the present day approaches backed by internet marketing. 2. Exploring the available present and future technologies that can help the music industry grow 3. Analysing the impact of these technologies on the conduct of business and development of marketing for the music industry in general 4. Reviewing the response of the music industry to the technological developments 5. Assessing the impact the internet marketing had on the consumer preferences and tastes in the context of the music industry in general and Punjabi music in particular 6. Assessing the impact of file sharing and peer-to-peer networks on the internet marketing of the music products. 7. Assessing the possibility of turning the illegitimate music routes to legitimate saleable propositions. 1. 2 Research Scope The study intends to review the development of the marketing concept of the music industry in general and the Punjabi music in particular over the period of time till the introduction of the concept of internet marketing and how the marketing concepts have changed over time. This can be seen from the changes in consumer preferences over the time in them asking new and more improved ways of listening to the music without losing the quality of the music. Examples in this connection are the I-pods and MP3 concepts. The findings of this study will greatly interest the music lovers as well as the music industry because some interesting information on the E-marketing strategies would be evolved which can help them to adapt to the latest developments in the technology. The study will also extend to the analysis of the reasons and extent of piracy prevalent in the music industry and the scope for converting such piracies to saleable propositions. Overall the study aims at reviewing the growth of the music industry over the period of technological improvements. 1. 3 Research Questions This study attempts to answer the following research questions among other things: 1. What is the impact of technological developments in the marketing growth of the music industry in general and Indian Punjabi music in particular? 2. What are the changes in the consumer preferences in respect of the music products with the development of internet marketing in the music industry? 3. What are the chances that piracy in the E-marketing can be contained with respect to the music products? 1. 4 Structure of the Dissertation In order to make a cohesive presentation this dissertation has been divided in to different chapters. Chapter 1 makes a brief introduction to the readers about the background of the Punjabi music and the internet marketing being the subject the thesis is going to deal. This chapter also outlines the objectives of the research and sets the questions that the research intends to find answers. Chapter 2 makes a detailed review of the available literature on the internet marketing of the music products and the associated issues with a view to familiarize the readers to the discussions on the core subject of the paper ‘Impact of Internet on Indian Punjabi Music Industry: An overview on the Internet Marketing of the Music Products’ . Chapter 3 presents an account of the research methodology that was adopted to gather the information and data needed for the completion of the research along with a justification for the chosen method of research. The findings of the research and an analysis there of constitutes Chapter 4. Some concluding remarks recapitulating the issues discussed forming the content of the text is presented in the final chapter 5. There were certain limitations of this research which are mentioned in the concluding chapter. Chapter 2 Literature Review The scope of this chapter extends to the presentation of a review of the available literature on the subject of the impact of the internet marketing on the Indian Punjabi music industry. While reviewing the literature on this particular subject the study also extends to an analysis of the impact of E-marketing on the music industry and its products. 2. 1 Indian Punjabi Music – a Background As observed earlier the origin of the Indian Punjabi music dates back to the 14th or 15 the century. Developed as folklore the music had the exquisite character of instilling energy and rhythm in to the lives of those who sing these songs. There are a number of varieties of Punjabi songs like â€Å"bhangara, jhumar, luddi, giddha, julli† and so on. The music had a vibrant style which made it popular in the world and with the migration of the people the music also travelled westwards. With the fascination for this kind of music the Punjabi music and songs have acquired a greater significance in the international world of music. Music charts are being prepared with the flavor of this Asian culture. The Punjabi music has developed to such an extent that it is compared with other popular music like rock and reggae. Even European songs are infused with the mixture of the Punjabi music and songs and have attracted music lovers all over the world. (Indian Child) 2. 1. 1 Development of Indian Punjabi Music ‘Bhangra’ one of the traditional forms of Indian Punjabi music has become increasingly popular in the Western music cultures over the period. With a tradition of more than 500 years old ‘bhangra’ which was performed during harvest festivals was increasingly being performed in weddings and other joyous occasions like New Year celebrations. According to Asia Today though the Indian Punjabi music ‘bhangra’ is still performed in its traditional form, in recent years the music has taken new versions in the form of ‘remixes, film songs, hip-hop, reggae and house music’ and through these new forms has developed a growing Western audience in the regions of Europe and North America. The music has seen its developments in the UK during the 1970s when it started influencing the British club scenes. The development of the music has been accelerated due to the presence of a large section of South Asian Diaspora especially belonging to the second generation youngsters in the whole of Europe and more specifically in the UK. In the recent past ‘bhangra’ has reverted back to its original drum beats and it is sure that this music will enthrall more audience world wide in the years to come (Asia Today)

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Regulating Iron Metabolism

Regulating Iron Metabolism Introduction Iron is an essential nutrient for many organisms as it aids in numerous cellular processes such as oxygen transport and DNA synthesis. In overload, iron generates free radicals that damage both proteins and lipids. On the other hand, a deficiency of iron undermines cell proliferation. Iron metabolism: an outline An adult manages to take up around 1-3mg of iron a day, in order to make up for any losses through sweat, urine and dying red cells. Non-heme iron is taken up by red cells through bivalent metal transporters, also heme iron is taken up by red cells though an undefined mechanism. Regulation of iron metabolism Keeping a constant cellular iron content is important and therefore the body has developed precise mechanisms for the regulation of uptake storage and export of iron. The Iron-Responsive Element (IRE)/ Iron Regulatory Protein (IRP) regulatory mechanism consists of a mechanism responsible for regulating post-transcriptional gene expression to maintain iron homeostasis. It involves two RNA binding proteins Iron-regulatory protein 12 (IRP 1, IRP 2) and a regulatory RNA elements known as Iron Responsive Elements. IRE/IRP interactions control the expression of mRNA sequences that encode for proteins responsible for iron acquisition (divalent metal transporter 1 and transferrin receptor 1), storage of iron (H-ferritin and L-ferritin) iron utilization (erythroid 5-aminolevulinic acid synthase), energy (mitochondrial aconitase), and iron export (ferroportin) (Muckhentaler, et al., 2008). The processes responsible from binding IRP1 and IRP2 to IRE are regulated mainly by iron levels, although other stimuli do exist, such as hypoxia and nitric oxide. In cells which have high iron levels, the IRP/IRE binding activity is low as IRP 1 2 are incapable of binding to IRE. In such conditions, IRP1 would set up an iron-sulphur cluster (Fe-S) which in turn transforms into cytosolic aconitase, whereas IRP2 would become degraded through the action of the proteosome. This means that only in iron-depleted cells would the IRP proteins bind to IRE. Both IRP 1 2 hinder translation initiation when bound to the 5’Untranslated Region of IRE, by inhibiting the binding of the small ribosomal sub-unit to the mRNA sequence (Muckenthaler, et al., 1998). In addition, when IRP1 is bound to a cap proximal IRE, and hence the cap binding complex (eIF4F) is produced. At this point the small ribosomal sub-unit does not incorporate in the presence of IRP1 which hinders any interactions needed between the cap binding complex and the small ribosomal sub-unit. The association of IRP 1 with the 3’IRE of transferrin receptor 1 reduces its turnover by hindering the cleavage of a restriction site and eventually its mRNA degradation (Binder, et al., 1994). The mechanism that stabilizes IRP mRNA has not yet been well investigated for other 3’IRE containing mRNA’s like CDC14A and DMT1, which contain one 3’IRE site and could require other factors in order to be regulated. Therefore, it can be said that the binding of IR P 1 2 ensures iron balance and no over expression of target mRNA molecules. The IRP/IRE system was primarily described as a non-complex post-transcriptional gene expression which regulates the formation of ferritins and transferrin receptor 1. The discovery of other mRNA sequences associated with this system has increased the complexity and has enhanced the role of IRP proteins to connect different pathways, which are regulated by iron metabolism. Assessment of Iron Status Iron studies are a group of tests that are performed in order to evaluate the status of the iron stores as well as the concentration of iron in serum. Tests that are performed when an Iron profile is ordered may include: Serum iron Total Iron-Binding Capacity (TIBC) and/or Unsaturated Iron-Binding Capacity (UIBC) Transferrin Ferritin Transferrin receptor Transferrin Saturation Serum iron is a measure of the amount of iron present in blood and usually does not diminish until iron stores are depleted. It is ordered normally as a follow-up when low levels of haemoglobin and haematocrit are observed on a complete blood count. An increased level of iron can be due to ingestion of iron (e.g. food or medication) or ineffective erythropoiesis. On the other hand low iron levels might be the result of: infection, menstruation, inflammation, malignancy or iron deficiency. Total Iron-Binding Capacity (TIBC) is also used to measure the status of iron in blood. It can be either measured or else calculated based on the level of transferrin in the blood. TIBC and serum iron can then be used to calculate percentage transferrin saturation, which is a much better index for iron status than serum iron or TIBC alone, using the flowing calculation: The 26.1 value is used as a constant to convert Transferrin to an equivalent TIBC concentration. UIBC is normally used as an alternative to TIBC. Percentage transferrin saturation (TSAT) is a measurement of the amount of iron which is effectively bound to transferrin, therefore indicting the amount of iron which is available to sustain erythropoiesis. A low TSAT may be indicative of infection, erythropoiesis, inflammation or iron deficiency. Whereas, an elevate value might mean haemochromatosis, liver disease, ineffective erythropoiesis or recent ingestion of dietary iron. Transferrin is the plasma protein responsible for the transport of iron inside the body. It is also habitual to test for transferrin (apart from TIBC or UIBC) as this is a better indicator of the patient’s nutritional status and to some extent an indicator of liver function, since transferrin is produced in the liver. Low levels of transferrin can be observed with liver disease, however transferrin may also drop in malignant tumors and if not enough dietary protein is taken up. On the other hand, high levels can be observed with iron deficiency and during pregnancy. Iron can be stored intracellularly in the form of ferritin. Ferritin is a protein which stores iron in a non-toxic form. It is a sizeable molecule with a core of ferric hydroxide phosphate. It is considered to be the best indicator of iron stores in the body. Low levels of ferritin are normally indicative of iron deficiency or a response to therapy involving erythropoietin, whereas high levels might be due to inflammation, malignancy or infection. Soluble transferrin receptor (sTFR) does not necessarily feature in an iron panel; however it is worth mentioning since it helps distinguishing between iron deficiency anemia and anemia of chronic disease. It is normally ordered in the case that an iron panel does not give enough information to reach a conclusive diagnosis. Usually to evaluate the status of iron stores ferritin is the preferred indicator. However, it is an acute phase reactant, meaning that it can give a falsely elevated value with inflammation or chronic disease. Seeing a, sTFR is not an acute phase reactant, it can be used as an alternative in case chronic disease is suspected.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Procedures for Safety in Childcare

Procedures for Safety in Childcare Charlene Lawrence 1. Childcare records that all child care proved should have in place are Children record form forms that including the child name, date of birth, allergies, address of where the child lives, telephone number, parents name and address, emergency contacts at least two , child doctor name and address, any medical and religion. Another document is crb (Criminal records bureau check) this should be the first thing that employer should do for staff they employe and for them self to check that each person hasn’t got a criminal record. Children agreement form All children should have a care agreement form which is a contract signed by parents which is agreement between both provided and parents stating the hours, child’s contract details, the days the child days they be attending, the fee and final the date they intending to starting. Also parents should sign a consent form to allow the setting to take the children outside the building and also allowed to sign to take pictures of the children and put on website and on the walls within the setting. Injuries (existing) forms,  existing injuries form is in place to record any existing injuries a child has when they arrive in your care. There should also be in place an incident form this form is in place to record any incident happened in setting with a child or staff for example a child was running and fell over a bit his/her lip would be an incident or a staff member was bit by a child that will also be recorded an incident form. Another form should be places an accident form to record any accidents that happen in the building to a child of staff that these injury i.e. broken bones or swelled muscle or a swelled thumb. Fire records Fire records should be in place to test and record the following smoke detectors, emergency lights, breakpoints, fire exguisters fire blankets and also there should be a record of fire drills which should be done every six months. Medication book or folder This should be in place to administer any medication that children need. This book or folder should have the Childs name, date of birth, the time given, the date given, dozed given and the staff signature and parent signature. This also gives evidence of medication given to a child in the setting and that you have administered medication given by parents, all medication that you administer in for a child must be prescribed by a GP and labelled with their name address and date it with the medication was done. Policies and procedures There should be policies and procedures placed in the setting when looking after a child. These are in place to allow parents to know how we run or care setting for example food policy this will let parents and carers know how we operate food in the setting and what we allow and what we dont allow in the setting what standards we are governed by. Complaint forms A complaint form should be in place when a parent or carer wont to complain about member staff or the setting they should also be followed up by investigation meeting and conclusion meeting. Child journal and home book This journal should be in place is to show any work that you a child has done or any development that a child has done, each child should have a home book which letting parents know what their child is done for the day it ie drank or eaten if they have been to the toilet, how many nappy change and what time you went to sleep this should always be should be recorded in the home book and hand to parent every day when the child goes home. 2. There are different ranges of actives to do for ages 0- 5 Physical (0-12months) at baby age , babies are crawling, pulling them self up or taking their first steps Intellectual (0-12months) Babies at this age is at like to look at sensory books, books with mirrors and textures which is good for there development and also they like music and noisy book which proved stimulus for young baby intellectual development. Social Development (0-12months) Babies social development is doing thinks like copying your actions, and delighting in your positive responses to their actions. Babies of this age will also enjoy listening to music and looking in the mirror Physical (1-5 years) At this age children will be hopstcating, ride bikes, running around Intellectual (1-5 years) For Toddlers and up word they like interactive games, flash cars and puzzles. Social Development (1-5 years) For toddler and upward a great social development is role play children love to role play by dressing up or playing house this is a big social development that will show what children know and develop. 3. I provide a safe environment for children in the city the registered person is the person who takes responsibility in the health and safety of the building where your child will be staying in your setting. our police cover the following: Fire safety In our kitchen you will find a fire blanket and a fire extinguisher and in the rest of the building you will find versus fire extinguishers. In each room there is a smoke alarm which is test every year my fire professions and test weekly by us. At each fire exit you will find a break glass and each member of staff will know the escape route. Security We have public liability insurance for this setting. Indoor and outdoor door and outdoor play area secured and children are supervised at all times. Parent who pick up children must provide a password to those who are coming to collect their child. Animals We will have animals in our setting but will check allergy and do risk assessment before providing. Kitchen and house Our kitchen has safety equipment in place insuring safety and no hazards to children. All around the house is safety equipment in place to protect your child in our care form hazards ie radiator cover , plug sockets. Food handing All staff are full trained in food hyegiene, and we make sure food is serviced , prepared and cooked at the right tempter and hygiene is 100 percent clean. Medicine We will only administer medication when parents want us to and also we only administer medication which is prescribed by GP. Medication is stored in the original containers , clearly labeled with the child full name. All Medication that we administer have to be recorded and staff and parent to sign . Hygiene We teach children about personal hygiene, washing there hands before and after meal times and after using to toilet, also each child will have their own bed sheets with their name on it and will not share the same sheet when sleeping in the cot or bed. We Provided good hygiene to prevent infection and our setting is clean every day and throughout the day. sick children Children who are vomiting or diarrhoea will not be able to attend until 48hours later any infectious will be discussed with parents. Outting and Transport We provide our own transport with insurance valid driver, mot and service, we also proved safety rod to support children to walk safely while out. In our registration pack you will find parental permission request to allow us to take the children out and on day trips. First Aid We have at least two first aid boxes/cupboards , which are checked weekly, when doing check we will also check stock expiry date as well a stock Qty. We have records in place to Record incidents, accidents for staff and children We also requested parental permission to deal with their child in emergency which is located in our registration pack. Smoking Our policy state no smoking in and out of premies, if you need to smoke then you should smoke away from the setting premies. 4. When planning a trip out of children that is planning to do before taking the children out at the premises Ie cost, risk assessment permissions etc The first thing to do is to plan where you are going to take the children then you should find out is it cost affected will parents be able to afford this trip you also need to know how many children will be going on the trip roughly how many staff you would need to support the children ratio while out on a day trip. Then you need to sort out transport, like if youre going by car is the car insured do you have built other enough seats to take the children is their car seat and boosters available, if youre travelling by bus whats the cast how many buses were you need to take how long would it take to get there And if youre taking A coach how much would it cost is there enough seats and is there children seatbelt car seats and boosters Available. Once you have done all these before you notify parent of the trip in a newsletter of verbal by mouth you should do the following two  a risk assessment and permission by parents, You need to assess what is the risk is, there any risk and how you can going to control the risk, is it safe to go on this trip with the children. And then you inform the parents of the trip and get parents permission and payment to go.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Explain the formation and the break down of the First Triumvirate :: Ancient Rome Roman History

Explain the formation and the break down of the First Triumvirate The formation of the First Triumvirate took place because of the political motives and the personal motives of the three ruthlessly ambitious power brokers in Rome. These men required the co-operation of the other two in order to further their political careers. During the time of the First Triumvirate many extraordinary powers where obtained and in some cases these where unprecedented. There are some key factors that have to be considered towards the break down of the Triumvirate. The most powerful and influential people, the Optimates became increasingly dis empowered, and a sense of desperation to regain power is felt with the use of Pompey in an a final attempt to restore power to the Senate. "By uncompromising refusal to meet the demands of Pompey, Caesar and Crassus the senate naturally drove them into each others arms. The three men agreed to form a political amicitia ....." Pompey upon return from his successful campaign in the East, disbanded his army probably to diffuse tension in Rome and prove to the Optimates in Rome he had no intention of over throwing the Government. This suggests Pompey's political naivety and the fact that Pompey thought he had done enough in order to get recognition and acceptance from the Optimates to gain land for his veterans and to have his innumerable arrangements in the East ratified. Cato also refused Pompey's offer of marriage to one of his nieces. According to Bradley "Cato was a staunch conservative, and distrusted Pompey's motives" Crassus had a problem with his supporters. He supported a request from a company of tax gatherers (Equites), that after realizing Asia had been economically raped, and virtually un-taxable due to the Mithradatic campaign, could not possibly make money from taxes, so the request he supported is that the Senate should adjust the bad bargain to on a third rebate which they had made in contracting for the taxes of Asia. This request according to Scullard was rejected under Cato's leadership which had led to the stagnation of Crassus' political career. Thus Crassus needed some support of Pompey and Caesar to kick start his career and eventually lead to the formation of the First Triumvirate. Caesar, who had been Propraetor in Spain during, 61BC, hoped to return to Rome in 60BC and stand for the consulship for the following year.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

James Joyces Araby - The Symbol of the Church in Araby Essay -- Joyce

James Joyce's Dubliners - The Symbol of the Church in Araby Joyce's short story "Araby" is filled with symbolic images of a church. It opens and closes with strong symbols, and in the body of the story, the images are shaped by the young), Irish narrator's impressions of the effect the Church of Ireland has upon the people of Ire-land. The boy is fiercely determined to invest in someone within this Church the holiness he feels should be the natural state of all within it, but a succession of experiences forces him to see that his determination is in vain. At the climax of the story, when he realizes that his dreams of holiness and love are inconsistent with the actual world, his anger and anguish are directed, not toward the Church, but to-ward himself as "a creature driven by vanity." In addition to the images in the story that are symbolic of the Church and its effect upon the people who belong to it, there are descriptive words and phrases that add to this representational meaning. The story opens with a description of the Dublin neighborhood where the boy lives. Strikingly suggestive of a church, the image shows the ineffectuality of the Church as a vital force in the lives of the inhabitants of the neighborhood-the faithful within the Church. North Richmond Street is composed of two rows of houses with â€Å"brown imperturbable faces" (the pews) leading down to the tall "un-inhabited house" (the empty altar). The boy's own home is set in a garden the natural state of which would be like Paradise, since it contains a "central apple tree"; however, those who should have cared for it have allowed it to become desolate, and the central tree stands alone amid "a few straggling bushes." At dusk when the boy and his companions... ... like Mangan's sister-her words are trivial and worldly. In a sudden flash of insight the boy sees that his faith and his passion have been blind. He sees in the "two men counting money on a salver" a symbol of the moneylenders in the temple. He allows the pennies to fall in his pocket. The lights in the hall go out; his "church" is in darkness. Tears fill his eyes as he sees himself a "creature driven and derided by vanity, â€Å"whose "foolish blood" made him see secular desires as symbols of true faith. In this moment of disillusionment he feels that he himself is at fault for being so bemused by his ideals that he failed completely to see the world as it is. He has discovered in his Church and in love (both traditional symbols of ineffably sacred loveliness) only a shoddy imitation of true beauty. Understandably his disillusionment causes him "anguish and anger."   

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Bank and Fidelity

In the ever changing banking industry, First Fidelity Bancorp had grown to be one of the largest holding companies of eight financial institutions and over 500 branches. Their growth has been through the acquisitions of other smaller institutions and internal growth generated by strong relationships with customers. This growth has come at a cost and First Fidelity has been left with a complicated mix of systems, operations, and organizational culture. First Fidelity allowed the eight financial institutions to operate totally independent of each other and the corporate office solely managed the integration of the financial reporting responsibilities. The non-integration of systems and operations has also left First Fidelity with higher costs and the need to make changes which will allow them to be competitive in the future. By the early 1990’s First Fidelity had begun to integrate some of the operational functions, but had yet to connect them further. Due to changes in banking regulation, the US government had begun cracking down on new rules on financial reporting, asset quality, and capital requirements for the banks. The government wanted better controls from upper management and the only way First Fidelity could accomplish this was to integrate systems, management, and combine all eight financial institutions into a more consolidated with less autonomous feel. Management made this their highest priority and put a strict deadline of 18 months on this task. This deadline put two major decisions directly ahead of First Fidelity, organizational structure and method of achieving the full integration. In order to evaluate the full impact of their decision on organizational structure changes, First Fidelity looked at the following criteria: †¢ Cost Effectiveness †¢ Responsiveness to Business Needs †¢ Responsiveness to Individual Needs †¢ Ability to Standardize Products and Service Offerings †¢ Ability to Support Outsourcing Options †¢ Ability to Support Acquisitions †¢ Service/Quality Orientation/Incentives While these criteria would decide what organizational structure First Fidelity would have, they also had to decide how the rationalization and consolidation plan should be conducted, internally, through the use of consultants, or through outsourcing. First Fidelity saw outsourcing as the most viable solution to their problem and felt it would best serve the company by achieving the goals in the desired time frame. First Fidelity has recognized several potential outsourcing vendors and determined the advantages and disadvantages of each vendor. Their decision now must be to select the proper vendor who will provide them not only with the services needed to move them through the rationalization and consolidation process, but one which will provide quality services and cost savings to First Fidelity for years to come. Changes to Organizational Elements The major change First Fidelity will be forced to deal with is the change to their organizational structure and hierarchical relationships within the firm. Prior to the rationalization plan, First Fidelity operated as eight separate financial institutions. Decisions were made independent from each other and there was no single person to oversee all operations from the holding company point of view. When Don Parcells was put in charge of all operations, and improvements were needed immediately, he put a plan in place to consolidate functions and make First Fidelity a more cost efficient organization. In order for this to become a success, First Fidelity was going to first have to restructure their separate cultures into a single unified culture. Parcells was planning on consolidating the separate operations and systems which the eight banks used. To make this a success, all parties need to be thinking in the same direction and accepting of the upcoming changes. Parcells task of unifying First Fidelity under these same systems would not be a success if the current management did not understand the reasoning behind the changes and understand the â€Å"big picture† of increased profits and long-term sustainability of First Fidelity. Current management would also be forced to deal with changes in management structure. This will give the First Fidelity corporate office more control over the eight banks and ensure the banks operate in a consolidated manner once the initial changes are implemented. Systems Integration The importance of systems integration goes well beyond the cost efficiencies First Fidelity hopes to experience. The system changes will put one face on the eight financial institutions and will provide them with the ability to accomplish many of the goals mentioned before under the criteria for organizational structure changes. First Fidelity should also take this opportunity to take advantage of the best practices which can be found through their analysis of their own internal operations and systems, external competitors, and the potential third parties they are analyzing for outsourcing opportunities. As the 25th largest bank holding company, First Fidelity has the potential to take advantage of improvements in technology. By decreasing their transaction costs through technology, First Fidelity’s high volume will allow them to take advantage of economies of scale. An integration of systems will also make First Fidelity a much more attractive candidate for merger activity. They will either be able to expand and make new acquisitions integrate more smoothly into the First Fidelity family, or make themselves more attractive as an acquisition target. Outsourcing at First Fidelity First Fidelity is in a very difficult situation. The short time period in which First Fidelity has to turn around its operations and systems does not ffer First Fidelity many options. They are seeking a simple solution to a problem which should have been addressed a decade earlier when they had begun merging the banks under one holding company. When considering the use of outsourcing, businesses should not rush this decision and should analyze what functions and how important these functions are to the business. As a general rule, core functions should not be outsourced to third party vendors. Only non-core functions should be considered, and only when significant cost savings will be made and the vendor offers a long-term, high quality service which will not have a negative impact on the customers of the outsourcing firm. First Fidelity needs to consider whether their systems and operations are part of their non-core functions and will truly add value through cost savings. Long Term Implications of First Fidelity Decision First Fidelity’s decision to outsource will have long term implications on the future of their banking operations. When First Fidelity began investigating the decision to outsource in 1990, one important variable would be the future of banking and which technologies would be the future of bank operations. The upcoming jump in the use of technology in banking will have a major impact on the systems necessary to be successful in banking. This offers even greater risk for outsourcing, since First Fidelity will be giving up much of their control of their technology. The Decision and Future of First Fidelity. First Fidelity did decide to use EDS as the company which will handle their software systems and data center operations. The contract was valued at $450 million over ten years and was considered the largest outsourcing contract for financial institutions at that point in time. In 1996, First Fidelity merged with First Union, in what was then considered one of the largest mergers in the banking industry, and made First Union an imposing force in banking along the east coast of the United States. One of the major factors for the merger was to add additional economies of scale to First Union’s operations and to decrease the high costs of technology which banks were experiencing. First Fidelity’s decision to integrate their systems in 1990 came at an integral point in time for the bank holding company. It provided them with cost savings and made them a strong acquisition target by un-complicating their systems and making their operations more efficient.

Gender Inequality Essay

The issue of gender inequality or discrimination has existed in the financial industry of the United States. This paper aims to present the existence of such practice in the financial world of some of the famous yet lawsuit-stricken Wall Street firms. In particular, a book written by Roth, which has studied and presented the many incidents of gender prejudices, will be critically analyzed. To make the public realize the need for such harmful organizational practice to be stopped is the ultimate goal of this paper. A Critical Analysis of â€Å"Selling Women Short: Gender Inequality on Wall Street† Many literary writings have presented gender inequalities in work settings. Each work has revealed to the public the many damaging implications of gender discrimination. These kinds of prejudices have been manifested in several forms, notable of which are the famous sexual harassment and unfair labor practice cases. Almost always in such lawsuits, the women employees of big business organizations always fall prey or are subjected to various gender-related unfair practices. Several factors are taken into consideration when gender biases occur in work places. While it is worthy to note that modern working women have slowly achieved a sense of work fairness based from their significant contributions in their respective industries, the ghost of the past sill haunts the society. These are evident with the unsettled labor cases having women as the aggrieved parties. These are but some of the main issues presented in many books. Despite the efforts, however, to clearly present the realities within an organization setting, the fact remains that there are still no appropriate responses which may address the issues concerning women employees. One of the many books which concretely depicted the said condition is the 2006 book of Louise Marie Roth entitled â€Å"Selling Women Short: Gender and Money on Wall Street. † In fact, a literary work such as the Roth book is a clear proof that gender inequalities, which beset powerful Wall Street companies almost two decades ago, have destructively affected contemporary work environments. This is because of the idea that only a few of high-profile gender discrimination cases are resolved in favor of the women victims while majority of these lawsuits are decided favoring the managements where the supposed injustices emanate or where the suspected male offenders acquired their influences. These celebrated criminal cases and the eventual out of court settlements have clearly indicated the previous existence of discrimination and continued practice of gender inequality in the professional environment. Despite the efforts of the Roth book to enlighten and rectify the perspective that women in Wall Street nonetheless have their fair share of success, the reality that women in work places are likely to be shortchanged or are â€Å"sold short† of their respective powers and potentials will never cease to exist. This situation will continue unless concrete actions and sincere efforts are made in order to alleviate, if not stop, gender discrimination in work places. â€Å"Selling Women Short,† an Overview As an educator, Roth presented the book in a manner of self-realization. The author learned how Wall Street companies, such as Smith Barney, Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch, all of Citigroup, have provided and continued hostile work settings for their women employees despite the existence of many legal limitations. Based from a methodology using research questions and aimed at achieving an investigative design, â€Å"Selling Women Short† matched the male and female employees of Wall Street firms during the period of 1990s and at time when the market and chances were rich. In an era where the work setting was supposedly advantageous to women workers, Roth discovered the many forms of gender discriminations which hampered the female workforce to progress. In short, using thorough study procedures, the authors as presented by her book examined sex inequality on Wall Street and realized that deceitful prejudice is the outcome of people’s ignorant inclinations and injustices which manipulate how they regard other employees and their respective performances (Roth, 2006). The book specifically identified the Wall Street’s practice of performance appraisal system as the apparent cause of gender discrimination (Roth, 2006, pp. 36-37). The book further presented the various manners in which women employees of the said Wall Street firms have attained their respective success. In particular, the triumphs of women working in the security businesses involved searching for an influential male adviser but in the process, ultimately prevent them from joining team efforts where their inputs matter most. The book concluded by manifesting that work and family concerns do not go hand in hand. This is because of the reality that family-related issues could be the most difficult hindrances to gender fairness on Wall Street due to the fact that women workers desire and ultimately have their respective families. Appealing Components The book is most notable for its comprehensive and clear focus on gender-related emphasis, particularly the degrading reality of discrimination against women which was introduced by the Wall Street work settings and which has continued to harm the modern work place. Stunned by an outbreak of celebrated gender or sex inequality cases more than two decades ago, it was expected from Wall Street to sanitize its industries and the activities of its workforce. Interestingly for â€Å"Selling Women Short,† it has thoroughly and powerfully reflected on how Wall Street’s financial companies have cleared continuing discriminatory lawsuits. Roth is to be acclaimed for this fearless ability to research on the particular cases of gender inequalities and eventually share to the readers the results of her study as well as the appalling yet actual situations of discrimination involving women employees of the firms located at the financial capital of the United States. It is also interesting to discover from the book that Wall Street, which is regarded to be a fortress of untainted or wholesome economics as well as supposedly compensating employees according to their accomplishments and assessing their jobs impartially, is in reality nothing but deceptions. It was both an enlightening and enjoyable discovery that Wall Street was amiss with its supposed intention to equally pay employees, regardless of gender but who have the same qualities and achievements. The comparison made by Roth about the work experiences of the people who started their jobs at various Wall Street firms in the later period of the 1990s was truly appealing. This is because the author was able to unearth that aside from the reality that women employees are paid at a standard of 29 percent less than their male colleagues, they are likewise pushed to less rewarding career options as well as were deprived of promotion and worthwhile customers (Roth, 2006). Aside from the mentioned interesting points, the book has remarkably exposed the devious gender inequality in the Wall Street structure. Roth is again to be praised for her explicit revelation of gender discrimination when she wrote on the unwitting prejudices of the members of the management, colleagues of the women employees and the manipulation of the customers on the performance assessments, task allocation, and eventually compensation (Roth, 2006, p. 62). Simply put, the book, through the words of Roth, has effectively presented how employees behind Wall Street companies have portrayed realistically damaging components such as their penchant to relate with those of similar sex and how they have a say to the system of gender discrimination. Ultimately, the author is to be credited with her proposals to limit the practice of all gender-related inequalities. Though the suggestions seem to fall short of being real, such attempt by Roth implied her earnest intention for the public to realize the harms of discrimination. Conclusion Despite the above mentioned interesting attributes of â€Å"Selling Women Short,† the book itself is unfortunately similarly short of its suggestions on how gender inequality could have been addressed, if not stopped, even from its start of existence. While Roth’s writing job was generally appealing and informative primarily because of her efforts to deal with the issue of gender discrimination, it may be in a way perceived that the public was shortchanged of more concrete solutions. Nonetheless, what Roth has ultimately achieved was for the book to eventually sink into the organizational set-up of Wall Street firms where it is aimed at influencing the people who build the practice of gender discrimination to finally put an end to such prejudice. Reference Roth, L. M (2006). Selling Women Short: Gender Inequality on Wall Street. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.